How to get your children to clean their room... and love it!
Getting your children to clean their rooms is a piece of cake if you know how to motivate them. My children loved the Clean The Clutter...

3 surefire ways to teach children to share
Children have an innate sense of fairness. They also often have an innate sense to look out for themselves. Both are survival instincts....

3 ways to avoid meltdowns
adobestock/firma v Let's make no mistake, family night is not just about sharing the glorious, picturesque moments of being a family,...

The truth about "Good" children
One of the more interesting observations I've made as a mother is how my children responded when their siblings were in trouble. They...

How to tell a captivating story
Storytellers deliver their art with the same precision as a singer who masterfully delivers a spellbinding song. We’ve all heard a song...

What popularity and balloons have in common - you might be surprised
Children follow the “example” of popular peers because they see how others are attracted to them. This indirect form of peer pressure is...

How long is a child's attention span?
Championeers! is carefully sequenced to gain maximum benefit in a short amount of time. Family Night is just one night a week so we want...

The Power of Words
Children believe everything you tell them. If you tell your daughter she's a princess, it's a done deal. If you tell your child they are...

3 simple tricks to fun family nights.
I trust you are having a blast in your Family Night Adventures. I also want to encourage you to be patient if you're having some rough...

How to teach children kindness.
The Great Mentos and Coke Experiment Children have a kindness button sewn into them. This may be debated by some, but I have found that...