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Empowering classroom moms & parent organizations to create happy, healthy schools

PTA/PTO and Classroom Moms Re-IMAGINED

Parent Answers for Schools

The Championeers! ESE System is an all-in-one campus culture development system to create emotionally safe schools through fun events and activities that eradicate the root causes of behavioral issues—all while kids have a blast!

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Everything your parent-teacher-partnership (PTP) needs to develop Emotionally Safe, happy, healthy schools

​... all in one big beautiful, done-for-you, Adventure Kit! Plus, you'll receive a special leader's step-by-step implementation course where I'll walk you through each piece of the program with access to my leadership team for coaching and questions.

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Is Your Child's Class

Suicide and homicide are the 2nd and 3rd leading causes of death for youth as young as 10-years old.


This is only one symptom of the emotional, social, and cultural issues facing our children but you can help end this self-inflicted genocide by introducing your child's teacher to Championeers! Classroom Adventures! 
Emotional Safety Ed and Campus Culture Development Systems coordinate with Family Night Adventures to build happy, healthy homes AND schools!

$10,000 ESE GRANTS

per school, per year, in training and resources for Emotional Safety Education and Campus Culture Development

Covers most costs so any school, anywhere, can develop emotionally safe campus culture.

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Moms in Schools Get Results!

Stop bandaging symptoms and start eradicating the root causes behind them!

Education is a partnership between teachers and parents. Moms in Schools takes that seriously with tools and training from Championeers! to develop campus culture for optimal learning while equipping the whole child with life-success skills, leadership training, and coping tools required for happy, healthy schools, homes, and lives!




In just 16 weeks...

Feelings of belonging increased 100% among students
and more than 1000% among staff!


Students who said they never felt bullied increased 27% while those who
previously reported feeling bullied decreased 46%.  


Feelings of acceptance increased 48% while feelings of detachment decreased 56%.  


Feelings of significance increased 70% among students with staff reporting
a 400% increase in a sense of school-wide unity.  


Staff reported a 186% increase in feeling valued
while negative reporting in the same key indicator decreased to 0.  

* Results will vary and are influenced by implementation, but overall, ESE is one of the most powerful programs available for developing campus culture and emotionally safe schools. 



Kids don't need more playground equipment; they need real tools for life's very real issues!

Students can't reach the highest levels of self-actualization that schools aspire to unless all the supporting tiers of emotional safety are met first. Since these are rooted in unconscious survival instincts they can only be satisfied when seven essential elements required for emotional safety are integrated into campus culture.

The Problem:

​1. Schools have one of the most complex and volatile cultures, intensifying emotional toxicity.


2. It is impossible to identify all of the at-risk students so they suffer alone and in silence.

3. Educators can't do it all. They need Moms in Schools to bring Championeers to your campus.

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Kids don't need more playground equipment; they need real tools for life's very real issues!


All-in-One - Build happy, healthy schools and parent teams everyone wants to join
Fun - Captivates students and leaves them begging for more
Transformative - Results often reported from the very first day
Flexible - Classroom or school-wide adventures. Do it big, do it small 
Done-For-You - Ready to go kits so you have as much fun as the kids
Team Building - Turns your PTA-PTO into the Happy Place
Easy - Just follow the step-by-step interactive lessons & guides
Affordable - Grants and self-funding options cover most costs
SUPERCHARGE RECRUITMENT with clear roadmaps to success, done-for-you events, training, tools, and really fun teams!
Create an awesome place for moms to connect and they'll create an awesome place for their children to attend school.

  • Success Driven and Relationship-Centered

  • Parent recruitment, training, and team-building tools

  • Parenting tools and resources for school and home


SUPERCHARGE FUN with ESE-themed units that transform schools and lives!

Why spend all your time and energy fundraising when you could be FUN-RAISING with events and activities that create emotional health and safety through campus culture development? 


  • Done-For-You programs with built-in funding

  • Follow-along guides with check-off lists & team tasks

  • Step-by-Step, follow-along resources and training


SUPERCHARGE RESULTS that eradicate behavioral issues at their root! 

Stop the overwhelm of continually changing programs that never bring long-lasting results. Make ESE the last new system you implement with its whole child alternative  approach to ACE, PBIS, Character, SEL, CRT, Restorative, and Resiliency training. It's all baked into simple, fun-themed units kids, teachers, and parents go crazy over! 



12-week themed units for school-wide transformation

12-week themed units for individual classrooms


Monthly Classroom Adventures with seasonal themes

Sponsor a single class, a grade level, 
or the whole school



Transform your child's class into a magical island, a pirate ship, how about dino-land? Incorporate dress-up days, art projects, and core subjects. The more you do, the deeper it goes! 

ESE Units start at only $99

Unit One: Caveman Rock

Theme: Identity & Truthfulness
Critical Youth Issue: Peer Pressure

Motto: "I'll be me and you be you, that's what makes us rock!"

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Unit Two: Pete & the Pirates

Theme: Hope and Forgiveness
Critical Youth Issue: Identity

Motto: "The Treasure in Me"

Unit Three: Cowpie County

Theme: Imagination
Critical Youth Issue: Self-Worth

Motto: "The Power of a Seed!"

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Lindsay Ball

Maui Complex Area State Superintendent of Public Education, Hawaii


“The strength of this program goes far beyond the performing arts aspect. This is a character education program which

has had extremely positive results with our students.”




Kirk Pearson

Former Sr. Washington State Senator


"Championeers! is a resource for our nation's educational system and will impact students everywhere."





Kathy Flanders

Juvenile Delinquency Professor


"Until now I've only had theories and causes to teach you. Now I can give you answers...

every school and community should have a Championeers! program.”





Leigh Simmons

Championeers! Mom


"The Championeers! program taught skills that will benefit my child forever."



  ESE Systems

starting at only


with GRANT

Monthly Classroom Adventures Only $20

Volunteer to lead or sponsor Championeers! Classroom Adventures! in your child's class!



Classroom | School-Wide | Music | Classroom | PTA/PTO

Monthly Classroom Adventures Include:

  • Bonus #1: FREE  Classroom Rules!


  • Bonus #2: FREE PTA Coordinator Pack

  • Bonus #3: FREE Self-Funding Event

  • Monthly Classroom Adventures are delivered to your inbox each month. They vary by month but typically include each of the following elements:

    • Themed Lesson

    • Teachers Insights

    • Success tools for happy, healthy schools

    • Game/Activity/STEM application

    • Announcement Poster

    • Application challenge

    • Step-By-Step Prep

    • Step-By-Step Pre-event

    • Step-By-Step Agenda

    • Classroom Rules


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Get Classroom Adventures for your child's class 

When gifting this subscription ask your child's teacher first and register with their email.





A Ministry of Champions College and Defining Women | | (c) 2019 Deanna Rhinehart

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